Strategic Technology Council

The Strategic Technology Council (STC) consists of top executives from our Corporate Partners who work with the Nidus team to identify global market needs. The insight and experience provided by the STC gives Nidus a competitive advantage when selecting and derisking technologies to address these market needs.

Richard Axelbaum, Ph.D.
Professor, Director Consortium
for Clean Coal Utilization
Washington University

David Fischhoff, Ph.D.
VP Technology Strategy
and Development
Monsanto Company

Claus Crone Fuglsang
VP BioEnergy R&D
Novozymes North America Inc.

Flavio Galhardo
Lead, Global Innovation
Bunge Limited

Miguel Oliveira, Ph.D.
Director Global Innovation

Ralph Quatrano, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Engineering
and Applied Science
Washington University

Thomas Schäfer, Ph.D.
Sr. Dir. Innovation and
Head Microbial Biotechnology
Novozymes A/S, Denmark

Martha Schlicher, Ph.D.
Bioenergy Technology Lead
Monsanto Company


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